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Beghelli Self Diagnostic Aluminum Alarm Flasher Module Green Letter Special Wording LED Damp Location Emergency Lights

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The Beghelli Group is an emergency lighting, photovoltaic systems and electronic domestic, industrial and urban safety and security systems.

Beghelli, with its headquarters in Italy, is truly a global company that exports a global brand in the lighting industry. With professional expertise, the most innovative technologies, fully dedicated R&D teams and key project management, Beghelli has been able to bring its brand values to the four corners of the world.

Today Beghelli's operations are present in 60 countries in North America, South America, Europe and Asia; clearly demonstrating the international spirit of the company.

Beghelli USA

Beghelli USA provides technologically advanced emergency lighting products and luminaires to the American market. Manufacturing of lighting products has allowed Beghelli USA to spearhead the design and introduction of innovative code-compliant products, which are channeled to market through distribution across the country.

Beghelli sales continue to exceed the industry's growth rate allowing Beghelli USA to reinvest in new product development.

Emergency Lights

Not all emergency light fixtures are equal. Our manufacturers build each light to serve a variety of needs. There are Self Testing Emergency Lights, which can save you time on mandated testing. There are NEMA Certified Emergency Light fixtures, Explosion Proof fixtures, Concealed lights, Combo Exit Lights and even more. Within our inventory of emergency lights, selected from top manufacturers, you’ll find the perfect light for your facility. Don’t know what the perfect light for you is? You can browse our huge selection, or you can get some help from our team. Our people have been in this business for over thirty years, and they’re happy to talk about emergency light fixtures and much more. After all, emergency light is sort of our thing.

Self Diagnostic

Self Diagnostic


These energy-saving light emitting diodes use less than 5 watts of power, and comply with most insurance standards and building fire codes. Their greater efficiency, and lower energy consumption can save you money every month. We offer a wide range of designs and features for lighted LED exit signs including: EdgeLit Exit Sign, Steel Exit Signs, Wet Location Exit Signs and Self Testing Exit signs.

Damp Location

These items can be placed where they may be splashed with water. Typically they are safe to be used outdoors. 

Special Wording

These signs are available with a variety of special wording and images. Some signs can be completely customized.

Alarm Flasher Module

Alarm Flasher Module

Green Letter

Green Letter Exit Signs

