LightGuard Halogen 6 Volt 5.4 Watt 9 Watt Bulbs & Lamps

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LightGuard has been out of business since 2011.  For over 25 years, LightGuard was a provider of high quality exit signage and single point emergency lighting products. LightGuard also specialized in the production of UPS based single and three phase emergency lighting systems. E.L.S.C. will do our best to find you a substitute product that will work with your LightGuard products.

Bulbs & Lamps

Browse our selection of bulbs and lamps on Emergency Lite Service center is your source for all kinds of emergency lighting bulbs, including halogen lamps, LEDs, CFLs, a variety of PAR type bulbs and many more bulbs.



5.4 Watt

5.4 Watt

6 Volt

6 Volt

9 Watt

9 Watt